.. _color_segmentation: Color segmentation ================== Overview -------- Color segmentation is the process by which specific target parts of the image are extracted based on , in this case , their color. Example ------- Using the below image, extract the vehicle color. We will display both a segmented image and a monochromatic image(which will exclude the vehicle from the monochrome color scale). .. image:: _static/car.jpg For this, we import `ColorDetect` as below: :: >>> import cv2 >>> from colordetect import ColorDetect >>> my_car = ColorDetect('car.jpg') >>> monochromatic, gray, segmented, mask = my_car.get_segmented_image(lower_bound=(0, 70, 0), upper_bound=(80, 255, 255)) >>> cv2.imshow('Segmented', segmented) >>> cv2.imshow('monochromatic', monochromatic) >>> cv2.wait(0) The lower and upper bounds act as a range of colors from which to look from. as a result, our segmented image would appear as below: .. image:: _static/green_car.png ``get_segmented_image()`` accepts more parameters such as `erode_iterations,dilate_iterations, use_grab_cut`, which is set True by default and `gc_iterations` . You may increase or decrease these values depending on the clarity needed off the image. Our monochromatic image: .. image:: _static/monochrome-car.png